Sunday 9 December 2012


I don't think I have EVER wrapped Christmas gifts so quickly in my life!! With such close quarters it is difficult to keep anything hidden! LOL  Once it arrives, it needs to be wrapped immediately! Then the question comes "where to put them now?"  It requires a little imagination and  "forgetting" when you accidentally find something  hahaha

The biggest challenge that I am finding is the lighting in this place. I LOVE light!! The more windows the better to let the sun in. I am finding it a little frustrating that the over head lighting in here is a LOT darker than I like....even though we have changed out the bulbs to LED.

We are getting used to shopping every second day.... it is strange buying so little at a time when you are used to feeding a family. It means a lot more trips to the store. We usually go do our shopping at night now, after work and we use that time for our evening "stroll" on the horribly windy & rainy days. A few laps around a shopping mall is better than nothing.

Since we are now living a few feet away from a beautiful scenic walk, Puff & I have been going for evening walks (when the wind isn't blowing 90kms/hr). Its a great 20 minute walk and a great way to relax and breathe. The sound of the waves lapping the beach, the ducks quacking lightly in the background... there is nothing like it!  We can't wait until the sun is out later so we can enjoy it even more.

The neighbors are friendly. Its a whole new thing for me. I am not used to knowing my neighbors (what ever happened to that??? my parents knew their neighbors). I'm just not used to being in a "fishbowl" I guess. Soon summer will be here and the tourists will be all around us, I better get used to it soon.  Puff, on the other hand, can chat up anyone, anywhere! People flock to him! He was out yesterday putting some non-skid tiles on our deck and stairs and out of nowhere comes our neighbor to check it out!

I definitely think this move has helped our relationship. We spend more time together talking than ever before. The TV is hardly ever on, it is mostly background music and chit chat.  Puff has become more helpful around the house indoors & I do whatever I can outdoors to help him... (though the really tall stuff is all his! LOL) We are working well as a team.

Till next time

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